Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What freedom a rouge tear has. Your life simply moving on through out the day, and then a random emotion starts to fall down your cheek. You softly wipe it away thinking nothing of it at the time but as your fingers feel the wetness and the faint trail that it had left your mind begins to wonder. See nothing in life can happen without you questioning the significance of it. Although the world and life itself would be a far better place if in fact we could just let things happen without needing to know exactly why or how. But as you feel that vague track of dripping emotion running down your face you start to wonder just what it could be. Your mind races to your heart and tries to find some logic of why you would showing such emotion. Your heart seems fine and intact even your mind tries to figure itself out to see if it was caused by something that he was thinking. But no, you sit there wondering just what it is that is going on with this emotion without the ability of finding an answer. So you stand up and declare to anything that had an opinion that in fact that tear was simply a rogue tear, a fluke that meant nothing in the long run. How I wish other things in life we could just accept.

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