Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Heart racing today...

It is funny to me that although I know that I trust God I still have incredible fear over particular things in my life. It is funny that my mind can pick out very small and insignificant details and allow them to grow and manifest into these incredibly dramatic and upsetting things. The way that someone looks at you or the tone of voice they may use. Allowing you mind to whisper to your heart, this is something you should be worried about... and without hesitation your heart does it's very best at carrying out that request. He starts to beat faster and without rhythm making very easy tasks seem impossible. Focusing on work and other responsibilities becomes a hopeful wish rather than a usual day.
And then out of nowhere your mind, the instigator of this rather depressing moment shows his ugliness once more. But this time it seems that your mind has forgotten that he caused this chaos in the first place. Conveniently he has forgotten that all of this emotion has been caused because of how someone said hello or goodbye and he has taken it past ridiculousness. All he can see now is how crazy your heart is. He focuses on all of the reasons this could be happening... and with the amazing imagination that he has the blurred line between real faults and exaggerated moments becomes invisible. He races on and on thinking of all of the fantastic truths and all of the fantastic lies that could be concocted, giving meaning and reason to the actions of your heart.
Meanwhile that moment, that flippant hello or goodbye was due to the other persons troubling moment and while they stand in anguish going through their own frustrations we stand idly by worrying about our own.
All of this while standing firm that I trust God with where I am... Its a little funny.

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