Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Risk takers

It seems that our generation is just fascinated with the idea of taking risks... Standing up for who you are, be creative, be yourself, and seize the moment I am sure are all things you could find on some wall decoration in every apartment, house, or dorm room that my "peeps" and I inhabit. But are we really risk takers or do we just really like the idea. Do we stand up and take life by the horns or do we just like it written in our space. In my head a good argument says something like, of course we seize the moment. We do so many things that are out of control, sky diving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping, white water rapids, and other equally adrenalin driven tasks that make us sit back in our triumphant risky lives. But is that really the "risk" that these philosophical decorations speak of. When we say risk something in this life are we really talking about our physical health, our easy paced heart rate activities? Or is it something a little more emotional, spiritual, things that can really snatch the breath right out of us. I would be the first one to suggest that we should drop our normal routined weekend and move onto something that we haven't ever done or at least something that we don't normally do... But would I risk the safety of my heart? Would I risk the safety of my mind and its controlled status. Am I overly willing to keep doing the same stupid and sometimes painful things because I know the length of its consequences? Where is the risk that my mind seems to crave seeing? Where is the risk that my heart and soul seem to crave... From a safe distance. Do I simply fall into the same horrible cliché only teasing my fantasies about something that I will always keep just out of my reach. Shall I just stand here idly by in the shadows of life only because I know the depth of its darkness and fear the brilliance of the light.

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