Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ranting... Maybe raving...

Sometimes it just makes me laugh in my little head how we or maybe just I operate. I think my generation really believes that the world would just shut us up if it had the chance. Our voices, our opinions, or thoughts and ideas could just go away and never be heard of again.. I think sometimes we feel this way so strongly that we fight and kick and scream when it really wasn't the right moment, further contributing to the older generations wanting to take our voices away in the first place. The true problem behind it all is that in those rare moments when we are tested and given a chance to speak we clam up, the idea of speaking has become something so large that we fear it. I have not yet decided what I believe is the reason but I think I have narrowed it down to two different options. One is that we simply have nothing to say. We bark and scream about the things that we have to say, how our thoughts and opinions are so important yet we really don't have anything worth listening to and when we get the chance to share this brilliance we quickly realize after trying to form the first moronic sentence in our heads that we really have nothing to say. Or two, and I hesitate to even have this thought because it really just blames the groups for not letting us speak on so many levels. But just maybe we end up buying into the lie that we really have nothing to say. That our voice is to immature to really bring anything worth while to the table. It is silly to think there is a magic age that your thoughts and opinions mature and really start to matter. That there will be this amazing moment in our lives that we will wake up and society will have decided that we have lived enough and seen enough to merit having something to speak about. So when that sought after day comes and someone cues up the mic ready for our thoughts and we freeze up maybe, just maybe we finally started to believe what we had been avoiding for so long. Maybe we finally started to believe without evening knowing that we were junk and all we knew was stupid and not worth anyone's time.

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