Wednesday, July 16, 2014

America, the Greatest Country

Admittedly my thoughts are all coming from the spark of a simple clip from YouTube. But before I go I am going to have to give a little background. The TV show, or what I am assuming is a TV show, the Newsroom has a piece where the main character debates against two other random people and the question "Why is America the greatest country in the world" was asked. This sparks a seemingly middle of the road political TV host to voice his opinions which are more of a Nationalist view rather than a red or blue focus. His rant depicts USA as not the best or not even close giving off some very fantastic statistics (which I have no idea the legitimacy of them) which backs up the "not the best" theory. But the brilliance of the clip is the ending where he tells how we used to be. Taking the obviously disappointed point of view to a certain nostalgic feeling of what we once were.

OK Now we are done with the longish set up and my thoughts which I am sure you are waiting with bated breath.

I love these types of clips/movies/shows because they get you excited. They take something that isn't quite right and rings a bell inside you to make you think. Sometimes these videos only get you thinking for a second, sometimes they only make you want to argue for arguing sake, but sometimes they spark an individual to change something... Maybe not the world but maybe at least their heart. Now I am not saying that these simple words in my barely read blog will do any damage against the dimming light that is our excitement for our country but simply expressing the short fireworks that were set off in my heart.

This video focuses on what America used to be... The brilliance that once was brought to the hearts and imaginations of the American people. Us younger generation "kids" simply watch in awe of these stories depicting where we live as not only this powerhouse of a military, not only this trailblazer of an economy, not only this mastermind of technological advances, but a hope... a dream... an idea that sparks creativity, pride, that teases the imagination of what reaching for the stars really means. We hear stories of how brilliant and sought after the privilege of being called an American citizen was. How people would risk their lives to come to the US to be a citizen. And yes of course there are plenty of people still going through major difficulty of getting into the US by any means necessary but to live here, to work here... To reap the benefits that the structures designed by the old can lend them. What the difference is in today and yesteryear is people fought to be called an American not just to live here.

Us youngsters sit and stare hearing the stories of how America once was... How brilliant our Lady Liberty was standing by with her glowing lamp for those yearning to breathe free. What stories we have heard and been a part of. But now we sit and are astonished at the fact that the younger crowd is not as involved or seemingly careless over politics of today or the direction of the US much less the world. Maybe they... we are tired of simply hearing stories...

The brilliant conundrum that is before us is that those deprived of great reality and full on fantastic memories are on their way to lead the world. Those who have been standing down waiting for a reason to actually care are on deck to lead those younger generations. Will the remaining few who have been inspired be able to lead the masses of unimpressed. The decision that lies before us will be to be proud over something that lacks reason of pride and to actually believe again.

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