Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wanted to share this thought.

Last night at our Wednesday church service my mother in law Pastor Sheri spoke on relationships which we had been doing for a few weeks now.

Last nights focus was on those difficult few that cause us strife in our life. She spoke of a time in college where God put her face to face with a young lady who was giving her a little frustration. A moment of maybe just a little passive aggressiveness from Pastor Sheri led to a moment of revelation. This moment promoted her to speak on how those difficult few, like sandpaper may be the Holy Spirit's hand in shaping us or nudges for change.

I quickly wanted to tell a friend of mine at work about the message because of some things that have been happening in our work lives. I had just the other day spoke about this topic but did not have the great insight from Pastor Sheri to wrap it all up in my head. I had read earlier in the week about the fight between a falcon and a snake and the tactics used by the falcon.

The article spoke on the intelligence of the falcon in that when the falcon attacks a snake it does not fight the battle on the snakes terms. On the ground the snake is strong, quick, and wise. Able to strike and defend quite well. But in the air the snake is powerless. The falcon chooses to bring the snake to it's world. In the same stroke as the enemy attacks us we cannot choose, albeit valiant or heroicish... to fight on the enemy's terms. We must fall back to our strength through Jesus to be able to fight the battles charged to us.

Now all of that brings us to today... As I tell my friend about this message last night we then say one of the catchy christian cliches... Not every bad thing is of the enemy. As I sat and listened to Pastor Sheri talk about her experiences and her message, a thought softly slid in. Those difficult few.. those people who are making our lives hard or tough. Causing us to doubt, backslide, fear and so many more things. Maybe... just maybe some of those are the whispering of the Holy Spirit. A soft voice trying to tell us something.

Now of course in the moment I normally choose to cower from defeat or unsheathe my sword for attack in the obvious belief that the enemy is attacking. But in reality the enemy is innocent of this moment. Or at least at the start of this moment. The enemy's only effort is to grab my ear and encourage what I have already laid out to do. And that is anything but fall back to my strength.

Maybe in those moments where the sandpaper meets flesh and really starts to rub raw. Maybe we should get quiet, maybe we should shoot up a flare for help, for direction and put on the armor that we need and look for the help we were promised.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

America, the Greatest Country

Admittedly my thoughts are all coming from the spark of a simple clip from YouTube. But before I go I am going to have to give a little background. The TV show, or what I am assuming is a TV show, the Newsroom has a piece where the main character debates against two other random people and the question "Why is America the greatest country in the world" was asked. This sparks a seemingly middle of the road political TV host to voice his opinions which are more of a Nationalist view rather than a red or blue focus. His rant depicts USA as not the best or not even close giving off some very fantastic statistics (which I have no idea the legitimacy of them) which backs up the "not the best" theory. But the brilliance of the clip is the ending where he tells how we used to be. Taking the obviously disappointed point of view to a certain nostalgic feeling of what we once were.

OK Now we are done with the longish set up and my thoughts which I am sure you are waiting with bated breath.

I love these types of clips/movies/shows because they get you excited. They take something that isn't quite right and rings a bell inside you to make you think. Sometimes these videos only get you thinking for a second, sometimes they only make you want to argue for arguing sake, but sometimes they spark an individual to change something... Maybe not the world but maybe at least their heart. Now I am not saying that these simple words in my barely read blog will do any damage against the dimming light that is our excitement for our country but simply expressing the short fireworks that were set off in my heart.

This video focuses on what America used to be... The brilliance that once was brought to the hearts and imaginations of the American people. Us younger generation "kids" simply watch in awe of these stories depicting where we live as not only this powerhouse of a military, not only this trailblazer of an economy, not only this mastermind of technological advances, but a hope... a dream... an idea that sparks creativity, pride, that teases the imagination of what reaching for the stars really means. We hear stories of how brilliant and sought after the privilege of being called an American citizen was. How people would risk their lives to come to the US to be a citizen. And yes of course there are plenty of people still going through major difficulty of getting into the US by any means necessary but to live here, to work here... To reap the benefits that the structures designed by the old can lend them. What the difference is in today and yesteryear is people fought to be called an American not just to live here.

Us youngsters sit and stare hearing the stories of how America once was... How brilliant our Lady Liberty was standing by with her glowing lamp for those yearning to breathe free. What stories we have heard and been a part of. But now we sit and are astonished at the fact that the younger crowd is not as involved or seemingly careless over politics of today or the direction of the US much less the world. Maybe they... we are tired of simply hearing stories...

The brilliant conundrum that is before us is that those deprived of great reality and full on fantastic memories are on their way to lead the world. Those who have been standing down waiting for a reason to actually care are on deck to lead those younger generations. Will the remaining few who have been inspired be able to lead the masses of unimpressed. The decision that lies before us will be to be proud over something that lacks reason of pride and to actually believe again.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Getting Married

Wedding time...

I think there will always be entrances to new parts of our lives that will try and strain us to the point where we clearly see what we want, why we want it, and just how far we are willing to go to get it.

I am getting married... And I have been chasing this girl for a long time... making her happy means so very much to me. But getting married is the combining of hopefully two different souls, two different hearts to form one team, one solid effort to walk through this world and hopefully leave it better than we found it.

Now the fun part. These two different souls, these two different hearts have been walking through this world at their own pace, listening to their own song, and picking our their own special cherished details that make the world beautiful specifically to them... These two are now tasked with combining all of those thoughts, those ideals, those truly unique idiosyncrasies that have formed their life and really put them to the test. We will find what really works and what was really just a quick fix to get us through special seasons. We will realize that what we stood for might not necessarily change but maybe the tools that kept us standing weren't the best fit for our lives and that brilliant someone has been given the secret that we needed so sincerely. Sometimes that can hurt and sometimes that can be frustrating because we never really leave the place where we want to impress the other. We never really grow out of our burning desire to wow one another and when we actually need help or some simple piece of advice it can sometimes feel as if we have failed them or simply not up to the task.

We feel the heat of these moments in our young relationships and we watch them as time goes by doing one of two things. Either the flames harden and shape us to a new uniqueness, giving us beauty and definition that we never knew we could achieve. A new look, new abilities, new strengths and details that help get through this world and really accomplish that little thing we set out to do in the first place. Leave this world and this life better than we found it. Or... The heat breaks us, shattering our fragile state because were not ready or able to be formed in the manner as to which the moment was working.

We see these moments shaping us, giving us the brilliant opportunity to see just how sincere we really are. Seeing what we want, why we want it, and just how far we are willing to go to get it.

I am getting married... And nothing could make me happier.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Heart racing today...

It is funny to me that although I know that I trust God I still have incredible fear over particular things in my life. It is funny that my mind can pick out very small and insignificant details and allow them to grow and manifest into these incredibly dramatic and upsetting things. The way that someone looks at you or the tone of voice they may use. Allowing you mind to whisper to your heart, this is something you should be worried about... and without hesitation your heart does it's very best at carrying out that request. He starts to beat faster and without rhythm making very easy tasks seem impossible. Focusing on work and other responsibilities becomes a hopeful wish rather than a usual day.
And then out of nowhere your mind, the instigator of this rather depressing moment shows his ugliness once more. But this time it seems that your mind has forgotten that he caused this chaos in the first place. Conveniently he has forgotten that all of this emotion has been caused because of how someone said hello or goodbye and he has taken it past ridiculousness. All he can see now is how crazy your heart is. He focuses on all of the reasons this could be happening... and with the amazing imagination that he has the blurred line between real faults and exaggerated moments becomes invisible. He races on and on thinking of all of the fantastic truths and all of the fantastic lies that could be concocted, giving meaning and reason to the actions of your heart.
Meanwhile that moment, that flippant hello or goodbye was due to the other persons troubling moment and while they stand in anguish going through their own frustrations we stand idly by worrying about our own.
All of this while standing firm that I trust God with where I am... Its a little funny.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Should we stand shaking our heads at the things we do not believe in, the things we dislike, or the things that we would at the top of our lungs spend a lifetime opposing. Should we stand judging or frustrated with those who may celebrate the things we would stand up against frustrated with the seemingly victorious moments whether they be small or big. Should we stand in awe of the shrinking feeling that our cause or beliefs may be losing the battles against its transgressors. Or shall we celebrate the simplicity of life.

Shall we be in bitter disgust over the short comings of this world and those who fill it, or should we just for a moment remember the brilliance that this life and those who inhabit it may bring. Our life whether short or long will stand to see brilliant moments pass before it and those moments allow for the choice of enjoyment or torture. Shall we not stand before these moments with a smile on our face showing the enjoyment of this life. As God chose to send his son to save this chaotic mess let us not forget not only his excitement but also Jesus love for our life and things that are to come. We dare not stand up and softly count only brief moments that share smiles and shed life in an overwhelming amount of moments that bring less than happiness to our hearts.

No we stand and speak happiness and joy over our lives because there is happiness and joy. We realize the importance of light when we encounter darkness. Shall we stand for the desire to look and appreciate happiness only when it is missing or hard to see. No we create the opportunity to see and feel that happiness simply from the wanting to find it. Let us search for that light with a desperate hunger not because we are missing it but because we know it is there. We live this life with morals and a heart that tells us that this life is worth living... that this life is worth living for those who are living around us. And our heart tells us this not in some simple whisper as to remind us when we get off track. It screams to us everyday allowing us to find smiles in simple, uncomplicated moments. We find these smiles not

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Social Media

In today's world we have built technology up to allow us to really represent ourselves to those around us. We have build social media sits and instant video sites where plugging in our own personalities and our own likes is simply a click away. We have forced ourselves to the microphone and the camera allowing our true selves to be represented in the things we produce. But what are we producing. Are we producing what we are, who we really are or are we producing what is popular or easy. What will get the most views and the most likes... Something that may seem attainable without trying to break the mold. Or are we being creative, allowing our true light shine. Allowing that God given gift that is in each of us to show its beautiful face which forces those around us to be brave enough to show theirs.

 "We are all meant to shine, as children do, we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"

This life is not something to just sit aside and wait for it to shine. Whether the reason is because we are afraid of it or we doubt ourselves. This life is a beautiful thing and we have the brilliant opportunity to portray what awesome gifts we have been given. Don't be shy with those because as we shine we inspire others to do the same.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Elijah on Mt. Carmel will always be an interesting story to me. One Elijah was sarcastic which makes my heart so happy. More of a personal thing that is. But two how that all went down is an amazing thought provoker.

God in the beginning set it up for Elijah telling him where to go and what to say and Elijah followed. But not only did he follow he was very confident in following him. I constantly ask myself why we don't see the super obvious miracles today as we see happening in bible. I have actually had many discussions on that particular topic just recently with those in my life. This may be more for myself rather than for anyone else but I love the thought so I figured I would write them down. I am very impressed in Elijah calling out to God to show his power to prove himself over those who did not believe or who were at least wavering on their belief. But Elijah was not calling for this answer of God for himself, he was calling for God to help those who were in disbelief. He was not shocked when God answered nor was he a deeper believer because God answered. He asked for something to happen. He asked for something to happen from someone he knew would answer in their own way. He asked God to show himself in his own way at his own time knowing that God was ready to do it.

I wonder if my faith would strength after being in such a situation. Now I am sure that Elijah and God still grew because of this but not in a sense that he needed God to show for him to grow. I guess in the end I am just simply amazed at the idea of how easy it was for Elijah to call on his God to answer he cry to help those in need of his light and truth. And he did it not for himself or for his faith or for his relationship... He did it because God had asked and because those who were in front of him needed to hear.