Elijah on Mt. Carmel will always be an interesting story to me. One Elijah was sarcastic which makes my heart so happy. More of a personal thing that is. But two how that all went down is an amazing thought provoker.
God in the beginning set it up for Elijah telling him where to go and what to say and Elijah followed. But not only did he follow he was very confident in following him. I constantly ask myself why we don't see the super obvious miracles today as we see happening in bible. I have actually had many discussions on that particular topic just recently with those in my life. This may be more for myself rather than for anyone else but I love the thought so I figured I would write them down. I am very impressed in Elijah calling out to God to show his power to prove himself over those who did not believe or who were at least wavering on their belief. But Elijah was not calling for this answer of God for himself, he was calling for God to help those who were in disbelief. He was not shocked when God answered nor was he a deeper believer because God answered. He asked for something to happen. He asked for something to happen from someone he knew would answer in their own way. He asked God to show himself in his own way at his own time knowing that God was ready to do it.
I wonder if my faith would strength after being in such a situation. Now I am sure that Elijah and God still grew because of this but not in a sense that he needed God to show for him to grow. I guess in the end I am just simply amazed at the idea of how easy it was for Elijah to call on his God to answer he cry to help those in need of his light and truth. And he did it not for himself or for his faith or for his relationship... He did it because God had asked and because those who were in front of him needed to hear.