I wonder,
Are we playing a game to get everyone involved? Are we playing a game to get everyone playing?
Although we play with passion and convection, are we simply playing this game to get everyone around us involved and to get our safety accomplished, to receive our bandaid and a low cost. Are we drudging through to maintain the same look with a new friend now and then.
Could we be coming to church to receive what we always receive something meaningful to us but the same meaning over and over. A bandaid to cover the injury, and maybe not mainly to heal the wound but to cover up its nastiness.
Was church meant to have a program? Was church meant to run down a set idea with little pieces here and little pieces here that we know will hit a mark so everyone can have multiple chances to feel God. Do we think we have any control over those moments. Do we come to church to hear that one song, to see that one friend, to listen to that one pastor, or maybe to see that one special service. Do we come expecting to see a well planned service or do we come expecting to feel Jesus, to experience the holy spirit? Do we even give ourselves a chance to receive him? Does the service agenda or timeline allow for it or prepare for it or even expect it?
Have we... Have we gotten to a point where we need to add lights, a certain song, a solo, and a pastor that jumps up and down to allow us to receive God and his message?
Simple question... Actually two simple questions.
Why do we come to church? And do we take away God by adding in ourselves in church?