Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Christians, we stand toe to toe with the world trying to keep our head above water. We have this longing, this desire to stand up and preach to the masses to explain and tell God's truth as we see it but we hold back, sometimes more so than others. We stand still worrying that the secular listeners may not agree with even our very basic beliefs. 

If we look back to the bible it is very encouraging to see how Peter and John responded to the rulers in Acts (4: 13-20 msg). The rules tell them to get out and to never speak again in the name of Jesus. Then in the last verses They respond to the rulers by saying, "Whether it's right in God's eyes to listen to you rather than to God, you decide. As for us, there's no question - we can't keep quiet about what we've seen and heard".

One of the greatest obstacles to our speaking out in public about the truth as we have seen it in our walk is that we believe that we must win. Or that we have to some how play by the rules with our secular world and its leaders. But Peter shows us that this is not at all what we have to do. Our duty is not to win or to play by the worlds rules. Our duty is to stand firm and tell our hearts through what we know of God. 

Peter says very simply "We can't keep quite about what we've seen and heard" or in another version "We must speak what we have seen and heard". He is a witness. The simple point is that all Christians should stand up and tell it like they know it. Don't worry if the world doesn't agree with even your very basic believes. Remember, your job is not to win, Your job is to say what God wants said. 

The bible says in Romans 1 & 2 that the law of God is written on the hearts of every person, and in Genesis it says that everyone is created in God's image. That's enough to believe that your witness to the truth about whatever subject may lay in front of you could trigger something deep inside people. It will have a truth ring to it deep in their hearts that could be being suppressed for whatever reason that God is waiting to shake loose. Waiting for his truth to be spoken boldly and clearly by his army. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

The recurring thought the last few weeks has been to have a stronger voice with those in my life and those not in my life. I fantasize just a bit about being a bigger help. To be able to speak more intelligently on life and life's problems. Whether that is spreading my faith or simply spreading joy. I actually get quite disappointed when I go over the seemingly empty eps that is my impact on life around me. I think that is one of the easy lies that the enemy whispers into our hearts. I believe that God creates many moments in our day that becomes so very influential to others even when we do not see it. All we can do is simply spread our heart to those around us. To speak truth and to speak good towards all that we see. And trust that God will use those moments as he sees fit.