Friday, February 17, 2012

Ever notice we always blame Adam and Eve. Never the devil. Always focus on the person the failed. Never the situation or the cause.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do we hide in the things we think we are good at when we are struggling... When we are scared or hurt. Do we throw ourselves in the things that we think we handle well or at least the things we think we are excepted in when life turns a corner we were not expecting. I think that just like a small puppy would venture out and dare to take a step close to what could be dangerous, when that danger becomes more real than we anticipated or closer than we really want we run back to what we trust. To what we think is safe or at least what we think we can control. The question is what is your safe spot... and do you need to change it!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I wanna write... I want to tell you my thoughts. I want to take my heart and my brain and even my soul and just drip them on paper so you can hear, see, read every thought that I have. I would love for you to hear what my heart screams and then what my head whispers. I would love for you to be in that battle... not because its a battle but because the information is so much fun to go through. I run, I have a fast pace when it comes to the heart, when it comes to emotion and love.. I believe that I have that pace or at least that I am able to go that pace because I am not afraid of getting hurt with it. I have no delusion of that fact that I might not get hurt. Even if everything worked out so well I am still going to get hurt at some point. I am not worried about it. Question is why are you. Why are you afraid of running... Have you ever fallen before... YEP... Are yous till here... YEP.... so whats to worry about it... Scrapes and bruises... Breaks and strains. What are you worried about... Grab someones hand and jump... For jumps sake. If you dont like the water when you get in it FUN THING IS... YOU CAN GET OUT... Stop treating life like its a breakable glass artifact that if you screw up it will be done for. ITS NOT THAT WAY. LIVE... SOMEONE LIVE..... Pick something in your life to live for and go... LIVE FOR IT... but dont sit around waiting for life to invite you to its party... its not going to... Get up and dance.... DO SOMETHING...
My head and heart are bursting... Ideas and thoughts, memories and heart throbbing moments... Moments that may have been nothing, moments that may have been everything. Dreams... Hopes, my heart and my head are filled. My soul swims through the possibilities of every little argument that could be had... Every argument that probably means nothing, that are probably so over analyzed that even the smallest detail may become the largest focus. And that focus would last for just a few seconds because some other argument comes through my head and I run with that. A person, walks into my life and I chase that thought down and beat every idea, every moment out of it trying to figure out why in the world did you just show up. And then once I cant even breath because of the tail spin that I inherently walk into I try to calm myself down and look at the beauty that resides around me. I sit back and smell the beautiful roses that line the roads that are in my life. I sit back... I love it when I sit back. Those thoughts and ideas, those memories and hopes and dreams simply fall to the ground and stay put for just long enough for me to catch my breath. So that the world can slow its spin for just a moment and I can look in your eyes and watch you smile and KNOW that no matter what everything is going to be ok. I love those moments... I love the moments when everything doesnt HAVE to come together. When everything just sits there waiting for your next move and you softly realize that LIFE IS GOING NO WHERE without you. Nothing is going to leave except those particular moments. AND BE SURE that if you fall and try to grab that moment before it leaves and you dont make it.... BE SURE that another is coming right down the tube... DONT MISS IT... Be ready... and the only way that we can be ready is if we are prepared to get up and RUN... Run like you have never run before... Dont be afraid of that... Dont be afraid of falling or losing... Your going to have another turn. Its not one and done, goodnight and goodbye... its batter up and you BETTER be ready for the next go around.