She writes on her arm because she thinks she's worthless. He watches his porn because he thinks he's not good enough. She is mean and nasty because she thinks people are going to hurt her. He's promiscuous because he doesn't think he deserves love. She hides because she thinks no one wants to find her. He lies because he thinks no one wants to see who is is. She lies because she thinks no one cares. He's scared because no one has ever protected him. She's scared because no one has ever saved her.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
I can hurt you. I know how to play games. I'm convincing and sometimes gets my way. Sometimes I give up and take a dive. Sometimes I Say things that people want to hear. Sometimes I say things people don't. Sometimes I get scared over things I shouldn't and sometimes I have no fear over things that I should be terrified of. Sometimes god and I scream at each other, probably just me screaming. Sometimes I miss his voice and fall off my path. Sometimes I hear him fine and still fall short. Sometimes I swing with my eyes closed and get a hit and sometimes I miss. Sometimes I care about things and sometimes I don't. I have a small ability to read people which means I can call you out. I have the ability to guess correctly which can hurt you. I'm needy and overly confident. I have outstanding gifts that god has blessed me with but I have problems with showing those off. There are plenty of things that can hurt you. There are plenty if things that can lead you astray. But what governs my life is god through my heart. And wouldn't you know it. My heart is yours. There are things that you are going to have to trust and I will do my best to prove to you along the way. But I promise that way will be to serve god and to love you... u
Friday, October 14, 2011
It's those oh crap moments. Those times when you don't know whether to go left or right, up or down, fight or throw your hands up. I think when we have screwed up the same thing over and over we get used to what to do. We know the prayers to pray or the people to talk to to get back on track. It's those tiny little changes. The differences that make you scratch your head and wonder oh my god how am I getting out of here... Well Jesus you got me right. Because I sure as heck don't. wo
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Trust me. More than anything I don't want to do this. But I promise it will be for good. I trust that god is in this. Even though I didn't see it till someone connected the dots. But I believe this is what needs to be done. And I trust that god has something (maybe something unexpected) at the end. But what I do know is we will hear gods voice. Stay strong and go after him. 20 seconds of insane courage here I come.

I think the best thing about stories are the happy endings. Its always good to see the main characters in a great story find happiness at the end. It always seems that the author needs the characters to go through tough times and the better the ending the tougher the time they had to conquer. The problem is those great endings are so great to read but I am sure those characters are breathing deep from the crap that they just came through. Stories become beautiful only from the imperfections that you read. Beauty is never scar-less, beauty is never perfectly clean. Beauty comes from work, comes from effort. So those beautiful endings are usually only as beautiful as the effort that was put into them. The question is what ending are you putting your effort towards. And probably the harder side is, did you pick the ending that goes well with your story. None of these are answers that can actually be answered but questioned of course.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I was sitting minding my own business, wanting to take the world on my own. I was fine with the idea that someday I would find someone to settle down with but until that moment came I would be fine none the less. But then I heard a beautiful song come on followed by a beautiful girl walking into my life. What else could I do other than ask for a dance? In my surprise and probably more so fear she said yes. I probably stuttered because in all reality I didn't expect her to agree but never the less I put on a strong face, gripped the small of her back and brought her in close. I followed the rhythm and danced the dance that I knew. I was surprised at how much she was enjoying herself; I was surprised that she was trying to take the lead as well. The beginning of the song was just like every new song beautiful and romantic. It had its great moments of frisky movements and strong passion which played to your hope that the song would never end. The middle was a little bit tougher, with particular dips and precision twists. You had to be passionate about the dance to even want to go forward but through it all somehow we did. The frustrating part is we had one fall. I think without that the dance would have been flawless, which isn't saying a lot because it seemed flawless to myself and probably everyone else. And then came the end. Everyone was waiting for a big finish, some grand emotion that allowed you to tie in all of these spent and floating feelings that were surrounding us. I myself was very excited to see if we could actually pull this thing off. Dip, turn, hold, strong shoulders, good form and then the music stopped. Our eyes couldn't seem to rip away from each other even over the frivolous applause that engulfed the room. You heard nothing less than an ovation and an encore to go further. We had just danced our hearts out and left every drop of emotion on the table. But I think the funny part of that entire night was we were terrified to do something new. A new melody had just started and we seemed faint or distant. Maybe we were fearful that we could never be as good as we were, maybe we were worried that it was just a fluke that we had just danced with our hearts. But maybe, and I am still trying to figure this out... Maybe we are sitting here with courage at the door wishing we could walk out on that dance floor again.