Monday, July 25, 2011

What do I want? I want you to lie... I want you to say that you need me. I want you to say that although yes, without me you will indeed survive, maybe those breaths might be just a little less impressive. I want you to say that there was never a moment that you thought if we had not met your life would just suddenly end but it would most certainly be lacking in beauty. I want you to lie and say your not strong giving me the quick chance to be there for you and not just be a spectator in a life I so desperately want to be a part of. Can you just for right now, at least just... Tell me a lie ?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

In all reality.  I want to be in your arms for the rest of my life... The thing I wait for is God to agree. And just maybe for you to agree as well.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It always amazed me when someone made it clear that when bad happens in your life. When you choose the wrong path or simply the devil wins out Jesus doesn't look down at you with a simple "its ok" emotion. He doesn't look down wanting to pat you on the back and tell you that it will all be ok and pushes you to get up. Just like a close friend that loves wouldn't sit there and sigh when you were badly hurt. When things happen and the devil sneaks into your life and takes a moment from you, you become hurt... You are wounded from that mark that he had just left and Jesus with all of his strength and awesomeness sees you and weeps for you... He sobs due to the fact that little ole me has been hurt... And I will forever love that fact...
Devil.... You are my least favorite person. You always find your way in the darkness into my life. You always find your way sneaking in the hidden moments into my heart. I hate you for this. I have no doubt in my mind when I stand up and try to fight you I have the amazing chance of losing in all my efforts... But just you wait... This whole trust thing with me and Jesus... We are getting a lot better... And just you wait for the moment that I unleash him on you... Bet you wont try me again!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Would you rather sigh or sob… Would you rather run or hide… Would you rather loose or abstain… Would you rather trust or be safe… Would you rather be found or be searched for… would you rather have moments or fantasies?

We are taught as young adults or even as adults to let the failures of yesterday pass. We hear whispers that life is finite and you should never live on failures because you are going to make them. We hear poems and quotes, sweet little messages and riddles telling us how amazing life is through the success and even through the failures. A road less traveled or a mainstream highway does not depict where you will end up but only how you will end up there. But before those moments when we are pushed to be inspired, where we are told about moments that should make us stand up in front of our transgressions and our lifelong obstacles. Before when we were adolescence trying to form the habits that we would carry over into our adult lives we were pushed never to fail. Never to miss a class or a lecture fearing that the world would look down on us due to the fact we did not pass with flying colors. We were pushed to meet a time line, a deadline to become an adult. We were pushed and prodded to take the path that seemed so steady, beaten down by the many travelers before us. We were as children pushed and pushed to walk through the molding of a citizen and when we emerged the same as everyone else we were teased with the idea of individualism. We were fed the temptations of being creative. And here we stand at the corner of our young lives trying to decide whether we should listen to the god given whispers of creativity that come spewing out of our hearts or should we keep walking the pace that we had made habitual not that long ago. Here we stand trying to hear what the mentors in our lives are telling us or trying to remember what they had told us.